It's crazy how fast the years fly by. It seems like the past 5 years have been filled with more memories than should fit in five years, yet, I can't believe my little buddy is already to go to school! He was so ready, and so excited. I thought there might be a moment of hesitation... or of nervousness... or of undecided desire to go to school. But instead, all he had was pure excitement. After his teacher lined them up to take them in, the kids all waved to their moms and with a big smile on Porters face he marched right into his new school. It didn't take long for Trace to start crying. Some how he knew that meant he would not have his best friend all day long anymore. For a moment I wanted to cry too. I started thinking of what this day means.
New friends. I just hope that he will know how to pick good ones, and be able to stay away from those that pull him down. I hope he will be an example to all of the kids, and remember to include those that are having a harder time finding friends.
All of the pains and struggles that come with getting older. Learning that life is hard, and that it is going to get harder before it gets easier.
And of course the Homework... oh the dreaded homework. I have enjoyed reading with Porter, and look forward to more reading, but not so much the required reading, and the required worksheets. It's just more fun when there is no pressure!!
Porter, I am so proud of you. I can't tell you how much you mean to me. I know you are going to do so good in school. My mom always told me to remember who I was... So Porter, I am going to remind you... You are a Son of our Heavenly Father. He knows you. He loves you. And he knows you will learn what you need to learn through school and life to return to him. You are also a Hansen. We expect you to be the BEST you can be. I love you! Way to go Sport.