Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hoe Down

Mom's Halloween party was another huge hit! Chad was gone hunting, and we were sad he wasn't there, but the party must go on! We all dressed up in western costumes and went to the barn for a fun night. As always she went all out, and made the party such a blast.

Glow in the dark party

These pictures didn't turn out very good, but for memory sake I'll post them. We had 14 kids over for a Glow in the Dark Party! SOOO FUN, and SOOOO LOUD! When the kids showed up they played a little glow in the dark football. When they came in we got all glowed up with lots of glow sticks and glow in the dark tattoos. I hung black butcher paper in the basement, and let the kids draw with glow in the dark paint all over them. They had a treasure hunt with glow in the dark money. We played hot potato with a big glow stick. We ate pizza, and drank glow in the dark sprite. We even had a dance competition! 14 kids is too many to have at a party, but I'm so glad he has so many great friends!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Birhday Porter!!

We decided to throw together a family party for Porter while Amy and kids were still in town. He decided he wanted to go to Scary Hill again. So last minute we invited the family out for a little mini golf.
Porter got an electric scooter from Chad, Me, Trace, and Roc. He has been asking for one for a year now. I've been holding off, but decided he was old enough now to take care of it???
The next day Chad found a bigger and faster scooter on KSL. He bought it and planned on taking the one we got Porter back. When he got home with it we realized that it was too big, and too fast, for Porter. Instead of selling the new one, Chad is keeping it for himself!! How funny.
We had a great time, and can't wait for another party on Friday night!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pirates Cove

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, another Pirates week for us!! Right as we thought we had missed our chance to spend another week at Pirates Cove - Craig called Steve and said we could go the week of UEA... How perfect!! We have never gone any time, but the heat of summer... and it was so nice! It was about 90 everyday, the pool was warm, the evenings cooled down just enough that we were comfortable in or out of the pool, and the company was as great as ever. This year everyone made it except Mike. Most of us drove down on Tuesday afternoon. Chad flew in from LAX on Wednesday night,and Cory made it Wednesday too! As always, our week was full of:

*Swimming, swimming, and a little more swimming

*Diving and jumping off everything. Porter jumped off the pirate ship again, and we even talked him into jumping off the first mast. Trace jumped off the waterfall. Even Roc jumped off the waterfall a few times!

*Sliding down both slides - again and again!!

*Eating ice cream... We set a new record this year. 20 gallons! (there were quite a few more of us this year, but still!)

*Lots of great picnic lunches, and yummy dinners.


*Movies - all of us watched "How to Train a Dragon" in the theater room!

*We even hung out with Chad Lewis and family for the day. Porter asked him if he knew Donavan Mcnabb, and Chad told him he did! He let Port send him a text message!