Our baby is 1! Crazy! We are more in love with her each day.
Rosie at 1:
Almost walking. She can stand and balance for a few seconds on her own. She even took her first 3 steps on her birthday!
Rosie is a GREAT EATER. Loves pretty much everything. Her favorites right now are peanut butter sandwiches, Mac and Cheese, and applesauce.
She drinks whole milk from a sippy... no more bottles!
Still is crazy about her bunny and binki.
She has 4 teeth on top, and three on the bottom. She got her first tooth right around 9 months.
She waves hi, bye, and good night.
Says Mama and Dada, but not directed at us. She BLABS about everything else, but doesn't seem to have words for things yet. Maybe the DEER...
Growing out of all her 6-12 month clothes, but she is still wearing them until it is cool enough to start wearing fall clothes.
Weighs 22 pounds about 28 inches long.
Sleeps from about 8:30 to 8:30 at night.
Takes a 2 hour nap.
Laughs, plays and loves her brothers!
Has her mom and especially her dad wrapped around her finger.