My little Rocket is done with preschool... Wait, What?? When did this happen. I can't believe it. He is seriously the best. Such a joy in my life. He was so cute tonight. Sang every word to every song... LOUDLY. I wish I could add video to my blog books. It was such a fun night for my special Roc!
Roc is loving baseball. I kinda should admit that I'm enjoying it too. Usually I think baseball is SLOW, especially the first years, but this year I am loving being at the park sitting on a blanket and enjoying snow cones!
Porter had a bball tourney AGAIN this weekend, and instead of trying to make it all fit in, we decided to send Trace and Roc with the rest of the gang to enjoy sunny St. George. It's always hard for me to miss out on St. George fun. Thanks Hansens for letting the boys tag a long. They had a blast!
Porter put together a 3v3 team. They had to play up a year, and were out sized by a long shot, but they played really hard and did good! They had a three point contest and Porter made it to the finals... finishing in 3rd in a 5th grade division. Sweet!!
Outlaws had a great spring season finishing with 7 wins, 2 loses, and 1 tie. Todays game was a major bummer. We kinda got killed! Sad way to end the year, but I'm still proud of the boys. They play hard all the time. The coaches gave awards to all the boys. Porter got the BIGFOOT award. He was pretty excited. Go Outlaws.
Loving the Hansen tradition of a spring fling camp out! The kids all slept in the trailer with grandpa and had a blast. We had a great night with great food, games, and family.
Good Grades = Free donuts! Funny how much the kids love
this place. I had to pull them all away from the glass to go home. I
think they could watch them make donuts all day. I feel so lucky to
have such good kids that try hard at school and earn good grades!