Friday, December 18, 2009

Porter's School Party

One Party down, half a dozen still to come! Today was Porter's last day of school before the Christmas break, and being off track. He doesn't go back to school until the middle of January. ( :), I think?) His teacher asked me to plan the party, so - plan the party - is what I did. Kriste has a fun book called snowmen at Christmas, so i centered the party around the book.
First we read the book, and then had a trivia game to decorate the Christmas tree.
Then we separated into groups. We made snowman sticks to measure the snow, ate ice cream cones decorated as snowmen, played freeze tag, made snowman kits to take home, and played pin the carrot nose on the snowman. The kids were so cute. I think they enjoyed the party, and i could tell they were all really excited for the BIG day. As always i procrastinated the party so it was a little stressful... but it is over now. PHEW.


Brandt & Kriste said...

You did an AWESOME job. Everything turned out so cute and the kids loved it!! Nice work party planner!

Darren and Kimberly Scott said...

what?? Look at you...I bought mine online, and you made one all on your own. (Snowman kit) You go girl!