Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Disneyland!! 4/27-5/2


Seriously soooo fun.  I've been trying to talk Chad into a Disney trip for - I don't even know how long now... and i finally got my trip.  It's not that he doesn't like to go on a vacation here or there (but he travels all the time with work, so the thought of staying home does appeal to him more than leaving!), but he did argue that the kids would have as much fun in St. George, or camping some where... it would be way CHEAPER!  He might be right with Porter, but not for me and Trace.  (And honestly not for anyone else either, but it is easy to say that Trace thought the entire trip was pure magic!)
We had a fun surprise Tuesday before we left - Cory, Maria and Audrey decided last minute to join us!!  We were so glad to have more friends to share all these fun memories with!
We spent the first two days in San Diego.  Beach, Ruby's diner ( a little diner at the very end of the pier.  There was tons of people fishing, and one guy caught a sting ray!), Mormon Battalion, and of course SEA WORLD!
The next four days were spent at the happiest place on earth!  Disneyland...
Everything was perfect.  We were able to beat the crowds every where we went... except for "world of color".  We used fast passes all day long, and were able to get a few special passes that we used for toy story mania... twice!  The only rides we waited in line at all for were the silly little kids rides.  Roc was even able to ride almost everything!  (he was about 1/4 of an inch short of being tall enough, so Chad rolled an extra sock up and put it in his shoe...:))
The kids all loved every ride but the favorites are still CALIFORNIA SCREAMER, and THUNDER MOUNTAIN.  Roc says his favorite was winnie the pooh.  I think Tower of terror, and splash mountain were on the top of the list too!
In between all the fun at the two parks we even snuck in a little swimming and nap time at the hotel.  It doesn't get any better than hanging out with my kids and hubby for almost a week with no interruptions!!   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So fun! Looks like you all had a blast! Can't wait to see ya'all! :)