Porter is Ready for Summer! Chad gave him his summer Buzz this week. It's funny that a hair cut seems to change his personality a little. I sure love my buzz boy.
Yeah... Porter is done with school for the year. We are ready to go to the pools, and parks! On Wednesday his preschool went on a field trip to the fire station for their last day of school. Trace and i got to go with his class. We had so much fun learning about fires, and fire fighters. Porter walks around our house saying: "STOP, DROP, and ROLL". He also tells me that he cant breath in the "smoke" from his hot food, because it will hurt him..."Smoke is bad to breath". I've tried to explain that it's not smoke, just steam, but it looks the same to him.

On Friday we took a little trip to Salt Lake to go to Discovery Gateway. Both Porter and Trace love it there! There is so much for both of them to do, they could stay all day. This time they got to do the craft... Foot Prints with Paint. They were so messy! I was so glad that it was there and not at my house. Audrey (Porters cousin) came with us, and together the three of them played their little hearts out. The balls in the picture are both Porters and Traces favorite part!

I don't know why, but for some reason Porter ALWAYS volunteers to do the scripture and prayer in opening exercise for Primary. This last Sunday was no exception. Him and Chad worked hard to learn Mosiah 2:17. He did a great job. Usually he decides he doesn't want to do it right before he goes up to the front, but this time he acted like it was just fine! I'm one proud Mom.
Chad went to Idaho to rabbit hunt today, so me and the boys stayed at my Mom and Dads. We had so much fun as always. Porter keeps his grandma and grandpa VERY busy. He thinks they have to be playing with him at ALL times, or he is going home... What a stinker. Trace requires almost as much attention, so between the two of them, my mom and dad are exhausted by the time we decide to go home!
Well that about does it for our week! Hopefully the weather gets nice and warm this week so we will have lots of fun summer activities to report next week!