Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving this year with Chads Family. Everyone was there except Lexi and Kenny. (They went with their Dad.) Grandma Hansen, Ted, and Riley joined us too! It was a great feast. Janet had us Indian name's and Amy made super cute Tepee's. Everything was so delisiouse.
After dinner we jumped right into the Christmas spirit. YEAH!!! I love December. Janet had a great idea to help the kids make gingerbread houses. They turned out pretty cute. Trace was more interested in eating the candy... BELIEVE IT OR NOT :)!

We are so Thankful...

For family night this week we talked about all the things that we are thankful for. Porter could have gone on all night. It was amazing to me that he could realize all the many things we are blessed with. His list included: Family, Friends, School, grandma's and grandpa's, his dogs, Heavenly Father and Jesus, our garden, hunting with dad, and the tramp.
Trace was fun too. When we ask him what he was thankful for he said, "Jesus". We ask him was else and he said, "Buuuubles"! Porter asked him if he was thankful for his brothers, and he said he was. He finished by saying we as thankful for treats. (We all could have guessed that one.)

This year I have felt more reasons to think of all my many blessings. We are so blessed. My list of things I'm thankful for could go on and on too, but here are the things that are most important to me:
1. My savior. I am so thankful for the gift of the atonement in my life. I know that He loves me. This gives me the strength to push forward, and be the best me I can be. I'm thankful for the comfort it brings knowing who I am, why I'm here, and how I can return to live with my Heavenly Father again someday.
2. Chad. My better half in so many ways. I'm so grateful for his love, patience, hard work, and testimony in our home.
3. Porter, Trace, and Roc... I don't have enough time or ability to think of all that these kids mean to me! They make me smile when all I want to do is cry. They make each day worth all the struggles we go through. They are the best part of each day, and I love them with every ounce of my soul.
4. Our families.
5. Our friends, and neighbors.
6. Chads work.
7. The house we have to live in and the food we have to eat.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Okay, so I'm not the best Hunters wife, in fact I have lost sleep over this one. Porter on the other hand... LOVES IT! On Saturday afternoon Chad and Brandon went up in the mountains to try to shoot a deer. He hasn't had much sucess this year, but was determined to shoot something, even if it was a doe. So when he called to tell me he was going to be late for our date because he had shot a deer, I was pretty sure he had got himself a trophey doe! Turns out he got a "PRETTY DECENT" (from the mouth of Porter) buck. He hurried home to go to dinner with me and Brett and Sarah, and then took Porter back up to find his deer. Porter loves every minute of it.

"Dave King is going to be so proud of my dad."
"You should always carry your bow with you when you are tracking your deer."
"I can track it all by myself dad!"

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Broc's Blessing

Sunday we blessed our littlest! It was a great day. Thanks to everyone for all your support.

Just a few of the people who were at our house after the blessing... It was a full house!!


All of the sudden Halloween has come and gone. I can't believe it is already November... and turkey time!! We loved the great halloween weather, and can't wait for next year. (We already have started thinking about next years costumes, and parties!)

Scary Hill

Last week my mom and dad asked if they could take the boys to Scary Hill to mini golf. I thought it sounded like fun, and didn't want to be left out so I went with them. Porter was really good at it... He kept hitting every ball right were they were suppose to go. I think he probably won all of us FOR REAL. Trace was a crack up all night, and he was loving every second of it.