Today Porter went to the zoo with his friend Lincoln. He had so much fun. His favorite part was the train ride... He says the turkey volchers and bald eagles were way cool. (He just asked me to add that his 2nd favorite things were the Bisons.) I'm hoping that Anna took some pictures for me to add later. When he was getting ready to leave Trace started to cry and asking for Porter to stay home. When we came back inside he asked if he go to play group or to Mayci's, or somewhere to play. Here is an example of our daily life:
Trace: I'm going to ride my bike to my friends house.
Me: No
Trace: Why
Me: Because you are two.
Trace: Me not two, Me five.
He is so much fun.
Both boys are loving playing outside. I'm having a hard time getting them to come inside for anything. I must say, I have a hard time coming in too. The weather has been so nice, and the kids are playing so good with all the neighbors. Its been fun watching them come one by one until there is a big group at the end of each day!
Roc is almost 8 months old now. I need to take more pictures of him soon. He is moving around a bunch, but still not really crawling. Still no teeth, but I think he might be working on that. He's a happy baby, and loves to watch Porter and Trace do whatever they are doin!
Today I spent the day gardening... I'm not sure why I have enjoyed this in the past. It's pretty creepy. First I saw way too many worms -YUCK-, then I interrupted an ant farm -YUCK, YUCK-, (there must have been 1,000 of them, they were everywhere. Some of them were carrying around some sort of egg or larva something.) And last but for sure not least a SNAKE! YUCK, YUCK, YUCK... CREEPY! But the good thing is it is done, and the reward of a pretty yard must be worth it, right? Or why else would I do it. I like the Vegetable garden better. This year we are growing the usual... Zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes, green peppers, and pumpkins. We are trying a bunch of new things too. Peas, carrots, potatoes, onions, and lettuce. Most of these "new" things were planted about a month ago, and are doing pretty good! Yeah for summer...
And to top off a busy two weeks, I have been trying to survive a long distance relationshlip! Last week Chad went to Florida for work, and this week he has been in NY! I can't wait for him to come home... and stay home... for awhile.
Worms and ants and SNAKES, OH MY! :) You're too funny!
A SNAKE?? Oh, I'd scream!
We sure miss you guys, we need to get together soon!
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