Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back to school

You want the truth? Well here it is. I think a full day of school stinks. It's even worse than I was dreading it being. Kindergarten has nothing on first grade... NOTHING! Porter started school this past week. Aside from it still being summer and we are back to school - Porter was sooo excited for 1st grade. He's been trying to convince me that being in school all day was GREAT. You get 3 recess', and you get to eat school lunch... Good thing he pointed those things out! The first week was early out. He was home by 1:15. I did alright. Still missed the kid all day, but survived. This week is ALL day. 7 hours away from home. Things are going down the drain and fast around here. I miss the kid all day, and when he gets home he so exhausted, I spend the rest of the night mad at him. I know I need to ease up on him, but save a little of your well behavior for when you get home please!!

Okay, enough negativity for one post. His teacher seems to be great. I can't wait to start helping at the school so I can meet all of his new friends I hear about everyday. I think one of these days I might spy on him during lunch time - you know like a fly on the wall. :) I love my Porter so much. I just can't believe he is big enough for all this!

1 comment:

Anna said...

oh, i'm not ready for mine to go. First grade is not fair! I agree! :( He looks adorable though