Sunday, August 21, 2011

Strikers Cup 2011

Porter had his first tournament this week. It was fun, but they lost 2 of the 3 games. Porter played great, and I'm sure their luck will change for the next tournament (at least I'm hoping and keeping my fingers crossed!)

Game one against Wastach 1-2 (Porter scored the only goal with a great corner kick that repelled off the other team and into the goal)
Game two against La Roca 0-3 (Sounds worse than the game was... One of the goals was scored off a penalty and our team scored one of the goals for them.)
Game three against Ogden Galaxy 7-2 (Porter had about 6 almost goals. One of them was in, but the referee said it wasn't :(...Either way it was a pretty good butt kick'n!)

Monday, August 15, 2011


We've been wanting to go to Lagoon all summer, and something keeps getting in the way. So even though today was the first day of school - we went to lagoon anyway! We left right after school with Sarah, Hunter, and Sami. The Dads met us after work, and we also met up with the Larsons! Roc had fun on all the little rides, and any big rides that they would let him ride. My Dad came and picked him up after work, so he could play... and the big kids could ride the REAL rides. Trace was exactly tall enough to ride almost everything. The only ride he couldn't ride was jet star... not too big of a loss, if you ask me :). We spent all night riding every ride we could fit in. Collasus, Wicked, Bat, Spider, White roller coaster, tital wave, and Bombora.
Brett won a huge mouse for Sami at the putting game. All the kids (and Adults) were so excited they had to get in on some game action too. Porter wanted to throw a fast ball. I asked the guy if they had any special rules for young kids... I was sure it was impossible for him to throw 40 miles per hour. He said no, but Porter wanted to throw anyway... so we let him. Guess what - He can throw 40 miles an hour. 42 to be exact. He won a big bat all by himself!
So I have a blogging confession...
We had so much fun. I can't wait for next time we get to play at Lagoon together!

First day of school

I can't believe summer is over. We knew that six weeks would seem short, so we JAMMED as much fun into this summer as possible! The kids started school today. I've got mixed feelings. I'm excited and ready to slow our lives down, and to get back on a schedule... but I'm not sure I'm ready to send them back to school everyday for the next 9 weeks! Thank goodness we are on year round and I only have to wait 9 weeks. We could have one sad Mom on our hands other wise.
Porters new teacher is Mrs. Fitz. She is new to the school, but seems darling. I'm excited to see where 2nd grade takes him with his learning. He loves school, and was really excited to get back into it!
Trace started KINDERGARTEN... What?? I can't believe I'm sending him to school. Kind of Lame if you ask me :). He has Mrs. Adams, and from what I've heard... She is amazing. He had orientation today, and testing on Wednesday. His first real day is next Monday. Trace is so full of life! I know that he is going to be a joy in his class room - He is eager to learn and meet new friends. I couldn't be any more proud of him than I am. WAY TO GO TRACE!
Roc is wondering why he doesn't get to go to school, but I am excited to get more alone time with him. He was sad walking away from the school after dropping Porter off - He thinks he should be going to 2nd grade too!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Yellowstone 8/11-14

We just had the best weekend with Grandpa in YELLOWSTONE. The whole family was going to go, but as always - life got in the way. We still wanted to go, so I talked my Dad into still taking us. The fun started Thursday morning. We woke up and headed out. We had a picnic in Idaho Falls. While we were there, we visited a little fair, and the kids got to do crafts and games. That night we went fishing and then sat in the hot tub. The hot tub was right on the side of a river, so we sat and watched fish jump the whole time!
Friday and Saturday we spent in the park. Our favorite was Canyon. Not only is is BEAUTIFUL, but we also so a big black bear! We followed for a while, until it was TOO close. Then I made the kids hurry back to the car. Each day we found a pretty spot to stop and have a picnic.
Saturday night we went to Bar J Chuckwagon. I love it! The kids were pretty entertained too!
That night we stayed in a funny HOSTEL. It was rustic - to say the least- but perfect for our gang! It had four twin beds, and the kids thought they were in heaven. After a little 31 and farkle we headed to bed.
Sunday we rode a boat across Jenny Lake and then hiked to what might be my new favorite waterfall. Hidden Falls. The hike was gorgeous, and the end prize was magnificent!
Every night we found somewhere to get an ice cream cone. I think the boys think that ICE CREAM every night is a great tradition... (I kind of liked it too :))

What a perfect trip! Thanks Grandpa...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Boating 8-10

Talk about a wild day! Porter had sport camp at 8:30. Right after I picked him up, we headed to raging waters. After a few hours there, we hurried home to go boating! Miles invited us to come to the lake with them, and of course - we couldn't pass that up. What a fun night!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Syracuse Fun Cetner 8-9

Most summer days you can find us somewhere in the water. On the rare occasions that we are not swimming - we are at SYRACUSE FUN CENTER! The kids play arcades, bowl, play laser tag, and play a little mini golf. At first Roc was terrified of the mini golf place. The first time he freaked out. Chad walked him around and told him that they were all paintings, and not real. He pretended that he was okay, but as soon as Chad set him down he be lined for the door yelling: "I'm all done golf'n guys"... No he is fine, as long as he can see me.

Hill Ari force base 8-9

Tiff is getting ready to head back, but before she goes we are going to steal her and the kids as often as we can! Today we went to the HAFB museum. The kids had fun seeing the same kind of plane that Grandpa Lee had to jump out of while serving in the war. It was a B-24.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Slipp'n and Slidding! 8-8

Tiff had yet another GREAT summer party. We had the yummiest onion rings and burgers for dinner. Then we slid down the coolest slip and slide ever! The kids had a blast, and by the end were so tired from running up and down the hill so many times!

Just for Fun

We measured and weighed the boys last night. Because I will be wondering in a few days what they were... I'll write them down!
Porter - 72 pounds 53 inches tall
Trace - 41 pounds 46 inches tall
Roc - 31.5 pounds 37 inches tall

Getting big... big...big...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

We spent Saturday at Ragging Waters. The kids weren't sure they wanted to go, but once we got there, they didn't want to leave. We had so much playing in the water and sunshine! Trace was the first to try the big sled slide - he loved it. Porter decided that if Trace could do it, then so could he. They also went down the shot gone slides. The lady at the top was amazed that Trace was going to go on them - he didn't even hesitate! Roc had a blast playing in all the shallow water, and especially the lazy river. He learned how to do front flips under the water, and did about 100 of them.