I can't believe my Porter is 6. Time flies when you are having a good time, and life with Porter is always a good time... Well almost always. With that said, I'll start by saying that shots and Porter don't get along very well. Since I'm such a nice Mom and wanted him to enjoy his birthday fully, I decided we should take him and the other two boys to get the H1N1 shot this morning. Bad idea. That kid can throw the biggest fit ever! He had two nurses holding him down, and he was SCREAMING and KICKING them. It was so humiliating. When he gets worked up he has a hard time breathing. There were a couple of medics on duty that came rushing over to HELP us, making the whole situation even worse. He continued to scream the entire way home, telling me that this was the worst Birthday ever. (a little side note: Trace smiled at me while they were giving it to him, like he liked it. Broc cried a tiny little cry and then was fine.) You probably are wondering why I have no sympathy for my son... well, I am willing to bet if you were there you would have been just as furious as I was! And as if that wasn't enough... Turns out we were on channel 2 news this afternoon. (I don't think they showed any of Porters Craziness - THANK YOU channel 2 for cutting that out!)
Luckily for me, He does have a great side too. As soon as he chilled out he was my little Porter again for the rest of the day.
Parties started for Porter on Sunday with the Family over for dinner. Porter wanted to have a pumpkin carving contest, so everyone brought a pumpkin to carve. Porter did most of his by himself this year, with just a little help from uncle Shawn. Trace even had fun with the carving knife helping uncle Dusty carve.
After carving we opened presents. Everyone always spoils my kids, and this year Porter got everything he has been wanting. We got Porter a Nintendo DS... He found it a few weeks ago while looking in my cupboards for batteries. It went down like this:
Porter: I didn't know we had a DS!! Can I play it.
Me: Uh, that is your friends...
Porter: What? (looking at me like I was crazy)
Me: Well, actually that was yours for your birthday, but now I'm going to have to find you something else, and take that back.
Porter: NO... I will forget all about, I Promise!
Me: Forget what?
Porter: (thinking about it for a min.) Traces Leapster.
As you can tell by the look on his face, he is a pretty good little actor!