Thursday, June 19, 2008

Potty Training

Wow, what a day. Trace has been telling me he wants to go potty now for the past few weeks, so instead of letting the moment pass (like I wanted to), I decided to give potty training a chance. With Porter I read a book called Potty Training in less than a day, and had great luck. Now I am not saying it was an easy day... in fact I remember how awful it was, but it worked... so to say the least, I'm trying it again. Last night I re read the book to freshen up on the approach. And this morning got right on it... And the day went like this:

1. I told Trace we were going to wear big boy undies! He was so excited... he started jumping up and down with his cute little grin pasted on this face.

2. We put "Teddy" in some big boy undies too, and trained teddy how to use the big boy potty. While we were training, Trace had his first accident. Bummer! I was worried that it might be a long time before he would have to pee again...

3. Quickly after the first accident Teddy was trained and we moved on to Trace. After a quick two more accidents, we finally went potty in the toilet. The best part is that he went both pee and poop this time!! YEAH.

4. Trace is starting to control his bladder, and keep his undies dry. After a few more trips to the bathroom, he had another accident...

5. Finally it was nap time. I put him in a pull up and laid him down.

6. After a long nap, he woke up telling me he needed to go potty... so we ran in, and to my surprise... dry pull up! He went potty great.

7. We played most of the night and went potty a few times with out too much problem.

He is so funny. He does a great job knowing when he needs to go, but he has a hard time emptying his bladder in one trip. So every time he needs to go potty it takes 3 or 4 trips to finish the job.

I will keep updating everyone on his progress... I'm hoping tomorrow will be easier than today! Wish us both Luck :)

Good Job Trace!


Maria said...

Yea for baby Trace! (I only say baby because once he's REALLY trained, I can't call him that anymore!!) What a kid. We surely love him at our house! HURRAY!! And good job for being up to the challenge Des. I think potty training is for the birds...

Leesa said...

Thats awsome, sounds like he will be potty trained in no time. I have a few years before I have to think about that, but it will come fast I bet.

Anonymous said...

Your boys are too cute!! Oh the potty training joys, just think by the time the baby gets there you will only have 1 in diapers :)!!

Brandt & Kriste said...

I have been dying to hear how the big day went. I was glad to see it on your blog. So far so good! Keep up the good work! He looks so cute!

senordustin said...

That kid is so cool. Tell him Uncle Dust is proud of him.