Monday, July 21, 2008

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirates life for me!

What a week! It is amazing how fast time flies in a Pirates Paradise. Chad's dad has a childhood friend who to say the least has "hit it big". For some reason he is so nice, and continues to let us enjoy some of his properties. All of which are SO amazing words (even pictures) cant describe them. This week was spent at Lake Mead... In Pirates Cove!
This is going to be a very long post, so don't worry reading all my details. I don't keep a journal or a scrapbook... so this is my family's version!
On Monday morning the kids and I packed up and headed to Maria's so we could caravan down South. Chad had some appointments that he couldn't miss so he flew down to meet us on Wednesday. As soon as we got to the resort we picked our suites! It was nearly impossible to choose, because they were all so great! This is a picture of the one I chose for our family. It was perfect!

Brian and Alissa came a little later on Monday, but they didn't waist any time. They were in their swimsuits and playing with the kids in no time!
Grandma had surgery on her toe, so she couldn't get it wet. The first day she wore waiters so she could be a part of the action... but it wasn't enough. By the second day she had figured out some sort of boot that would keep it dry. It was too much fun watching Grandma and Grandpa play with the Grand kids...

The next few days we spent swimming, eating ice cream (there is soft serve ice cream machine there... YIKES), playing games, and just plain having fun.

Porter jumped off this waterfall... It's pretty high! I have to admit I was a little shocked. But he loved it!

Here is Chad jumping off the highest spot you can... we use to jump off the top one, but too many people were getting hurt.
Chad and his brothers doing synchronized back flips off the ship.

Porter loved swimming with his snorkel and fins. He was such a fish. He could swim around where ever he wanted and I wasn't too worried about him. One of my many proud parent moments!

We had lots of fun lunches and dinners. We ate lunch most days in the new outside kitchen. The misters keep it nice and cool, and the kids didn't have to skip a beat swimming to get food! This is a picture of Porter and Trace at our Bar-B-Que... As you can see, they rarely took their swim suits off!
One of the highlights from last year was the bubble baths with Grandpa... This year we couldn't be with out them. Thanks Grandpa!

On Friday we got to go to the Lake. They have two sweet wake boarding boats, but no one really skis. It was my first time on a boat this year! I love just being on the lake. Lake Mead is so pretty and clear. The water is warm, and the wind slowed down just for us. We spent the first part of the day just swimming an cooling off. Brian and Alissa both wakeboarded, but before Chad and Shawn got to go the battery on the boat died... BUMMER! We stilled had fun on the jet ski's. Porter rode one with me and Trace rode on Chads. I ask Porter if he wanted to drive, and he did for a min... but then said he wasn't sure how to drive a jet ski. (Chad rode with him later, and was driving just fine... pretty typical.)

With all the excitement going on, it is hard to believe we found any time to work out, but with a full gym so close, we had to fit it in. Chad is training to run a half marathon in September so he snuck up to the gym every chance he could to run and lift. One day we all went to "work out". Porter is getting really strong!

Here are the last few pictures... The top one is Chads family. They are so much fun to be with. I feel so lucky to have such a great family in law. The other two are just a couple of our family.

Thanks so much Janet and Steve for another PERFECT week!


The Stones said...

Oh my, that looks like such a fun week! I love Lake Mead...but I don't remember pirates there...

Chefwife said...

I'm glad you had such a good time. You and your fam are so cute!

Sarah Garner said...

Holy Shnikees (sp?) a soft serve icecream machine???!!! That alone wins my heart!!!

Wow, you've tried to describe how amazing this place was, but you never said it was heaven on earth! Looks like a blast!!!

Brandt & Kriste said...

Welcome Home neighbor. I thought the pirates captured you guys. That place looks amazing. I'm glad you had fun and tell Porter that I can't believe he jumped off that high cliff. What a brave little boy!

The Hansen's said...

That really was such an awesome week! It now seems wierd not spending each and every day together as a family! ha ha

Bullard Family said...

I found you!! Yeah. What a amazing weekend looks like such a blast. I forgot what you said your e-mail was mine is E-mail me and I'll send you a invite.