He's here!! On Tuesday we had our 37 week appointment, and my blood pressure and protein levels had started to go up, so doc said it was time to have our newest baby boy. My mom had a big show (she has a scrapbook company) this weekend so I tried to talk my Doctor into letting me wait until Sunday to have our little guy, but he thought waiting a couple more days was all that I could get away with. Chad and I decided Thursday Sept. 18th was our best bet... So we scheduled our C-Section.
Little Roc was born at 1:50 PM. He weighed 6lb 15oz and was 19.5 inches long. Everything has gone great since his birth. I was so releaved to have a baby who seemed ready to be here. Our stay in the hospital was long, but good. We came home Yesterday, and it sure feels good to be home!
While in the hospital we had tons of people come to see us! How fun it is to know there are lots of people who care. Here are just a few of the people who held little Roc.

We are so glad to have a new little boy in our family. I will be posting more pictures soon!