Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Race

Chad has been training hard for the Little Grand Canyon 1/2 marathon... and today it all paid off. He's been trying to decide if he should do it or not, because the timing wasn't going to be very good. He had to go to LA for work Thursday and Friday, and wasn't coming home until late Friday night. The race started at 6:45 AM, and was at least a 3 hour drive. So we decided that we would make it work. 3:30 Saturday morning we left our house and headed off to Price. It was a way long day, but he did awesome. He finished in 2 hours and 3 min!! In fact, he finished too fast, and we missed the end of his race. I was so sad, but he was a good sport and reenacted the finish for me for a picture! I was so proud of him.. and the kids loved it. Way to go Daddy.

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