Monday, September 8, 2008

Back to School

Porter started school again today. I'm not sure the reason, but I caught myself getting a little emotional about it. This is his third year of preschool, so you would think I would be use to it. I think most of it is that I'm pregnant and emotional anyway... I just think my little Porter is growing up too fast. Where have the past 5 years gone?? He was so excited and just a little nervous. The smile on his face as he found his seat just melted my heart. Im so proud of him for all that he is. I sure love my Porter.


The Chad said...

Well, I can't leave a comment about this since I don't know you well...yet, but I wanted to introduce myself...My name is Chad Hansen. Some family members today were looking for our blog...and happened to come across yours. They wanted to know who the imposter was :). You can check out THIS Chad Hansen family at:

Sarah Garner said...

I can't believe Porter is almost 5! MY how time flies! He looks very handsome with his backpack!

For what it's worth, I will bawl like a baby when Hunter goes off to real preschool next year and I'm pretty positive I won't be pregnant!

The Hansen's said...

Oh how cute! He looks so excited! Speaking of excited, we are stoked for Bunko (spell) this weekend! Oh and I LOVE my new jeans! I can't wait to get the other ones fixed so I can finally wear them!